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PTT Mode For Version2 Tea2
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PTT Mode is a tool for programming ECUs with the Techtool tool.


Before  PTT Mode you needed Connection Vehicle with Techtool. Bacuse Editor will use Vehicle information for flash list...

1-Click on Main Page Programing With Techtool

Local File Button: Selection XML/TMP file For Sending Techtool

Online Flash : Listining Phoenix Server Files For selected Ecu.

Techtool Readed Vehicle Information

This module displays the vehicle information it reads from Techtool. For Tea2, select the Tea2 vehicle you are connected to from the Chassis list.

Chassis ID: Listing  vehicle information it reads from Techtool. For start work needed select Tea2 Chassis.

Control Units:When selected any  Chassis  on here list Ecus(For Tea2 Mids). For Contune work needed select any mid.

Connected Truck ECU's Info  

Here you can see Selected ECU/Mid  Part Information 

Selected ECU'S Dataset Information

Here you can see Selected ECU/Mid  Subdataset Information