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Help > Remote Programing System > Remote Programing Tea2+ Version4 >

In this section we will see how to remotely Program Online flash  programing

1-Connect to remote computer vie Teamvieweri Anydesk etc...

2-Copy Remoteconnector2023.exe (You can find it on the desktop) to Remote connected pc.

3-Run  Remoteconnector2023.exe

4- Open Flash Editor Plus and on Main screen Click on Main PagePhoenix Remote Connection

5- From the opened remote page click "Remote Flash Programing With Phoneix Diagnostic Tool".

 5a-If wanted Read and edit Parameter, Select Parameter Ecu Box Add the Ecu you want to edit your parameters.

6- When clicked  "Remote Flash Programing With Phoneix Diagnostic Tool"  Editor will start remote setting. When Came Message "Ready For Remote" Ready  codes to join Remote pc. Turn on Remote pc and fill codes same  Customer Id to Customer Id ,Remote Code to Remote Code , Remote Pass to Remote Pass on Remote pc.


7-Now on Remote PC Remote Connector Exe:After entering the codes received from the Editor on the Remote Connector, press Start To Connect.

" Remote Connector" More ınfo

The Remote Connector connects to the Vehicle and receives its information and transmits this information to you.

When you see "Waiting To Remote File From Client" Turn your Editor and start Select your File.

8-Now on Flash Editor Plus Remote Connection Page:

8a: If  on Select Parameter Ecu Box Added, before needed parameter edit on Parameter Programing For Remote. "Parameter Programing For Remote" More Info you see in "Parameter Programing For Remote" page.


9-When Clicked "DPF/ADBLUE/SCR OFF". Tool Auto Open  "Phoenix Removal System"

Auto System will Start  your vehicle's EMS (Engine Control Module)  Part Information. When Press Contune PDT will show select  Flash Info...

Before Press Start Programing Truck Check Truck Dataset and Flash Dataset. Extra you can see Selected Flash Varyant From VDA. After Press Start Programing Truck PDT will Program selected File On Remote.